Understanding OutOfMemoryError

Originally published: 2009-10-09

Last updated: 2015-04-27

In Java, all objects are stored in the heap. They are allocated by the new operator, and discarded when the JVM determines that no program thread can access them. Most of the time, this happens quietly, and programmers don't give it a second thought. And then, usually a day or so before a deadline, the program dies.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

OutOfMemoryError is a frustrating exception. It usually means that you're doing something wrong: either holding onto objects too long, or trying to process too much data at a time. Sometimes, it indicates a problem that's out of your control, such as a third-party library that caches strings, or an application server that doesn't clean up after deploys. And sometimes, it has nothing to do with objects on the heap.

This article looks at the different causes of OutOfMemoryError, and what you can do about them. It focuses on the Sun JVM, which is the one that I use. However, much of the material applies to any JVM implementation. It is written based on literature available online and my own experience. I don't work on the JVM internals, so can't speak from a position of authority. But I have faced — and fixed — a lot of memory problems.

Garbage Collection, an Overview

I've written a detailed account of the garbage collection process elsewhere. To summarize, the mark-sweep collector starts at “garbage collection roots” and walks the entire object graph, marking every object that it touches. Objects that aren't touched are garbage, and will be collected.

Java's approach to garbage collection means that the only way you can run out of memory is if you keep adding objects into that graph but don't remove them. Most often, this is because you add objects to a collection — usually a Map — that's referenced from a static variable. Or, less often, a collection held by a ThreadLocal or the Runnable of a long-lived thread.

This is very different from memory leaks in C and C++ programs. In those languages, leaks happen when a method calls malloc() or new and then returns without calling the corresponding free() or delete. These are true leaks: without using tools to match each allocation with its corresponding deallocation, you'll never be able to recover the memory.

In Java, “leaked” memory is merely misplaced. As far as the JVM is concerned, it's all accounted for. The problem is that you, the programmer, don't know where. Fortunately, there are ways to find it.

Before diving into those techniques, there's one last thing to know about the garbage collector: it will make a best effort to free memory before the JVM throws OutOfMemoryError. Which means that calling System.gc() will not solve your problem. You have to find the leak and plug it yourself.

Setting the Heap Size

As pedants are fond of pointing out, the Java Language Specification doesn't say anything about garbage collection: you could implement a JVM that never frees memory (not that it would be terribly useful). The Java Virtual Machine Specification notes that the heap is managed by a garbage collector, but explicitly leaves the implementation details open. The only guarantee regarding garbage collection is the one I stated above: the collector (if it exists) will run before the JVM throws OutOfMemoryError.

In practice, the Sun JVM uses a fixed-size heap that's allowed to grow as needed between minimum and maximum bounds. If you don't specify these bounds, they default to a minimum of 2Mb and a maximum of 64Mb for the “client” JVM; the “server” JVM uses defaults based on available memory. While 64Mb must have seemed enormous when it became the default in 2000 (earlier, the default was 16Mb), modern applications can easily exhaust it.

Which means that you usually have to size the heap explicitly, using the -Xms and -Xmx command-line parameters:

java -Xms256m -Xmx512m MyClass

There are many rules-of-thumb for setting the minimum and maximum heap sizes. Obviously, the maximum has to be high enough to hold all of the objects that the program needs. However, setting it “just large enough” is not a good idea, because that increases the workload of the garbage collector. Instead, you should plan to keep 20–25% of the heap empty for a long-running application (although your particular application may need different settings; GC tuning is an art that's beyond the scope of this article).

Surprisingly, the minimum heap size is often more important than the maximum. The garbage collector will try to preserve the current heap size, whatever it is, rather than growing the heap. This can lead to a situation where a program creates and discards a lot of objects, but never requires memory greater than the initial (minimum) heap size. The heap will stay at that size, but the garbage collector will be running constantly to keep it there. In a production environment, I think it makes sense to set the minimum and maximum bounds to the same value.

You may wonder why I bother with limiting the maximum size: after all, the operating system won't allocate physical memory unless it's actually used. Part of the answer is that the virtual address space has to hold more than just the Java heap. If you're running on a 32-bit system, a large maximum heap size may limit the number of JARs on the classpath, or the number of threads you can create.

Another reason to limit the maximum heap size is that it helps you to discover any memory leaks in your code. Development environments tend not to stress applications. If you use a huge maximum heap size during development, you may never realize that you have a memory leak until you hit production.

Watching the Garbage Collector at Work

All JVMs provide the -verbose:gc option, which tells the garbage collector to write a log message to the console whenever it runs:

java -verbose:gc com.kdgregory.example.memory.SimpleAllocator
[GC 1201K->1127K(1984K), 0.0020460 secs]
[Full GC 1127K->103K(1984K), 0.0196060 secs]
[GC 1127K->1127K(1984K), 0.0006680 secs]
[Full GC 1127K->103K(1984K), 0.0180800 secs]
[GC 1127K->1127K(1984K), 0.0001970 secs]

The Sun JVMs provide two additional options that show you the breakdown by generation, as well as the time that collection started:

java -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps com.kdgregory.example.memory.SimpleAllocator
0.095: [GC 0.095: [DefNew: 177K->64K(576K), 0.0020030 secs]0.097: [Tenured: 1063K->103K(1408K), 0.0178500 secs] 1201K->103K(1984K), 0.0201140 secs]
0.117: [GC 0.118: [DefNew: 0K->0K(576K), 0.0007670 secs]0.119: [Tenured: 1127K->103K(1408K), 0.0392040 secs] 1127K->103K(1984K), 0.0405130 secs]
0.164: [GC 0.164: [DefNew: 0K->0K(576K), 0.0001990 secs]0.164: [Tenured: 1127K->103K(1408K), 0.0173230 secs] 1127K->103K(1984K), 0.0177670 secs]
0.183: [GC 0.184: [DefNew: 0K->0K(576K), 0.0003400 secs]0.184: [Tenured: 1127K->103K(1408K), 0.0332370 secs] 1127K->103K(1984K), 0.0342840 secs]

So what does this tell us? Well, first off that collections are happening very frequently. The first field in each line is a count of seconds since the JVM started, and we're seeing collections every few hundredths of a second. In fact, adding the start time of a collection to its execution time (shown at the end of the line), it appears that the collector is running constantly.

In a real application, this would be a problem, as the collector is taking CPU cycles away from the program. As I noted above, this might mean a too-small initial heap size, and the log confirms that is the case: every time the heap reaches 1.1 Mb, it gets collected. If you see this happening, increase the -Xms value before making changes to your application.

There's something else that's interesting about this log: other than the first collection, no objects are being stored in the young generation (“DefNew”). This indicates that the program is allocating large arrays and nothing else — which no real-world programs should do. If I saw this in a real application, my first question would be “what are these arrays used for?”

Heap Dumps

A heap dump shows you the objects that the application is using. At its most basic, it's just a count of instances and bytes by class. You can also get dumps that show the code that allocated the memory, and compare historical counts to live counts. However, the more information that you collect, the more overhead you add to the running JVM, so some of these techniques are only applicable in a development environment.

How to get a heap dump

The -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError command-line argument is the simplest way to generate a heap dump. As its name implies, it will generate the dump only if the program runs out of memory, which makes it appropriate for production use. However, because it's a post-mortem dump, the only information it can provide is a histogram of objects. Furthermore, it creates a binary file, and you must use the jhat tool to examine that file (this tool is part of the JDK 1.6 distribution, but will read files produced by JDK 1.5 JVMs).

The jmap command (available since 1.5) lets you produce a heap dump from a running JVM: either a dump file for jhat, or a simple text histogram. A histogram is a good first line of analysis, particularly when you run it several times over an extended period, or when you compare live object counts to historical allocation counts.

At the far end of the scale, both in terms of information and overhead, are profilers. Profilers use the JVM's debugging interface to collect detailed information about object allocations, including line of code and the call stack. This can be incredibly useful: rather than just knowing that you've allocated a gigabyte of arrays, you can see that you've allocated 950 MB in one place, and can ignore the others. Of course, that information comes at a cost, both in terms of CPU consumption and memory to store the raw data. You won't be allowed to run a profiler in a production environment.

Heap dump analysis: live objects

The definition of a Java memory leak is that you allocate objects and don't clear all references to them, meaning that the garbage collector can't reclaim them. A heap histogram is an easy way to start looking for such leaks: it shows you not only the objects that are in your heap, but also the amount of memory they consume. The main drawback to a simple histogram is that all objects of the same class are grouped together, so you have to do some detective work to figure out where they were allocated.

Invoking jmap with the -histo option gives you a histogram that shows counts and memory consumption of all objects created since the program started, including those that have already been collected. Invoking it with -histo:live shows the counts for objects that are still on the heap, whether or not they are eligible for collection.

Which means that, to get accurate counts, you need to force the garbage collector to run before invoking jmap. If you're running the application locally, the easiest way to do this is with jconsole: at the top of the “Memory” tab, there's a button labeled “Perform GC.” If you're running in a server environment, and have JMX beans exposed, the MemoryMXBean (“Memory” in the “java.lang” group) has a gc() operation. If neither of these options are available to you, you can always wait for a normal garbage collection. However, if you have a bad leak, the first major collection is likely to be an immediate precursor to OutOfMemoryError.

There are two ways to use a jmap-generated histograms. The most useful technique, particularly with long-running server applications, is to invoke the “live” option several times over an extended time period, and investigate those objects whose counts keep increasing. However, depending on the server load it might take an hour or more to get good information.

A quicker approach is to compare the live objects to the total. Those objects where the live count is a significant fraction of the total are possible leaks. Here's an example that shows the top dozen entries (out of nearly 2,500) for a repository manager that's been serving 100+ users for several weeks. This program does not, as far as I know, have a memory leak, but its normal operation results in heap dumps similar to programs that do.

~, 510> jmap -histo 7626 | more

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:        339186       63440816  [C
   2:         84847       18748496  [I
   3:         69678       15370640  [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
   4:        381901       15276040  java.lang.String
   5:         30508       13137904  [B
   6:        182713       10231928  java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry
   7:         63450        8789976  <constMethodKlass>
   8:        181133        8694384  java.lang.ref.WeakReference
   9:         43675        7651848  [Ljava.lang.Object;
  10:         63450        7621520  <methodKlass>
  11:          6729        7040104  <constantPoolKlass>
  12:        134146        6439008  java.util.HashMap$Entry

~, 511> jmap -histo:live 7626 | more

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:        200381       35692400  [C
   2:         22804       12168040  [I
   3:         15673       10506504  [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
   4:         17959        9848496  [B
   5:         63208        8766744  <constMethodKlass>
   6:        199878        7995120  java.lang.String
   7:         63208        7592480  <methodKlass>
   8:          6608        6920072  <constantPoolKlass>
   9:         93830        5254480  java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry
  10:        107128        5142144  java.lang.ref.WeakReference
  11:         93462        5135952  <symbolKlass>
  12:          6608        4880592  <instanceKlassKlass>

When looking for a memory leak, start with the objects the consume the most memory. That sounds obvious, but sometimes they aren't the source of the leak. Still, it's the best place to start, and in this case, the most memory is consumed by char[] instances (although the total here is 60Mb, hardly a problem). What is worrying is that the “live” count is almost two thirds of the “ever allocated” count.

A normal program allocates objects and then releases them; if it holds onto objects for a long time, that's a possible leak. But having said that, the amount of “churn” that a particular program experiences depends on what the program is doing. Character arrays are almost always associated with strings, and some programs simply have a lot of strings that they hold for the life of the program. JSP-based app-servers, for example, define string literals for each block of HTML in the JSP. This particular program does serve HTML, but its need to hold strings is not so clear-cut: it serves directory listings, not a lot of static text. If I was running out of memory, I'd try to find out where those strings were being allocated and why they weren't discarded.

Another area for concern are the byte arrays (“[B”). There are a lot of classes in the JDK that use them (for example, BufferedInputStream), but it's rare to see them in application code. Usually they're used as buffers, but buffers should be short-lived. Here we see that more than half of the byte arrays ever allocated are still considered live objects. That's worrisome, and it highlights one of the problems with a simple histogram: all of the objects for a single class are grouped together. For application objects, this isn't necessarily a problem, because they're typically allocated in one section of the program. But byte arrays are allocated everywhere, and most of those allocations are hidden within a library. Should we search for code that calls new byte[], or code that calls new ByteArrayOutputStream()?

Heap dump analysis: associating cause and effect

To find the ultimate cause of your leak, counts of bytes by class may not be enough. Instead, you have to associate the objects that are being leaked with the objects that your program is allocating. One way to do that is to look more closely at instance counts, in order to associate objects that are allocated together. Here's an (anonymized) excerpt of a heap dump from a program that's suffering memory problems:

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:       1362278      140032936  [Ljava.lang.Object;
   2:         12624      135469922  [B
   5:        352166       45077248  com.example.ItemDetails
   9:       1360742       21771872  java.util.ArrayList
  41:          6254         200128  java.net.DatagramPacket

If you just looked at the top lines of this heap dump, you might start a fruitless search for code that allocated Object[] and byte[]. The actual culprits were ItemDetails and DatagramPacket: the former allocated multiple ArrayList instances, each of which in turn allocated an Object[], while the latter uses byte[] to hold data retrieved from the network.

The first problem, allocating too-large arrays, wasn't actually a leak. The default ArrayList constructor allocates an array with ten elements, and the program was only using one or two; that's 62 bytes wasted per instance on a 64-bit JVM. A smarter design for the class would use a List only when one was needed, saving an additional 48 bytes per instance. Changes like that take effort, however, and adding memory is often cheaper.

The datagram leak was more troubling (as well as harder to fix): it indicated that received data was not being processed quickly enough.

In order to trace such chains of cause and effect, you need to know how your application uses objects. Not many programs allocate an Object[]: if they use arrays at all, they'll normally use a typed array. ArrayList, on the other hand, uses object arrays internally. But knowing that the memory is consumed by ArrayList instances isn't enough. You need to move one step up the chain, to find the objects that hold those lists.

One way to do this is to look for correlated instance counts. In the example above, the relationship of byte[] to DatagramPacket is obvious: one is almost exactly double the other. The relationship between ArrayList and ItemDetails, however, isn't immediately obvious (in fact, each ItemDetails instance held several lists).

The trick in this case is to focus on any other class that has high instance counts. We have a million ArrayList instances; either they're spread out between different classes or concentrated in a few. Regardless, a million references is hard to hide. Even if there were a dozen classes that held an ArrayList, those classes would still have 100,000 instances apiece.

Tracing such chains from a histogram is a lot of work. Fortunately, jmap isn't limited to histograms, it will also produce browsable heap dumps.

Heap dump analysis: following reference chains

Browsing a heap dump is a two-step process: first, you invoke jmap with the -dump option, then you invoke jhat on the resulting file. If you need to go down this route, however, make sure that you have plenty of memory available: a dump file can easily be hundreds of megabytes, and jhat may need several gigabytes to process that file (I have occasionally resorted to Amazon EC2 quad-extra-large instances to be able to browse a heap dump).

tmp, 517> jmap -dump:live,file=heapdump.06180803 7626
Dumping heap to /home/kgregory/tmp/heapdump.06180803 ...
Heap dump file created

tmp, 518> jhat -J-Xmx8192m heapdump.06180803
Reading from heapdump.06180803...
Dump file created Sat Jun 18 08:04:22 EDT 2011
Snapshot read, resolving...
Resolving 335643 objects...
Chasing references, expect 67 dots...................................................................
Eliminating duplicate references...................................................................
Snapshot resolved.
Started HTTP server on port 7000
Server is ready.
Heap histogram produced by jhat

The default URL gives you a listing of all classes loaded in the system, which I rarely find useful. Instead, I start at http://localhost:7000/histo/, which is a histogram view that's sortable by instance count or total bytes (click on the image at right to see a full-size version).

Each of the class names in this histogram is a link, that takes you to a details page for that class. There you'll see the class' position in the class hierarchy, its member variables, and a link for every reference to an instance of the class. I don't find this page terribly useful either, and the list of references will spike your browser's memory usage.

For tracking down memory problems, the most useful page is the reference summary. This page has two tables: referrers (incoming) and referees (outgoing), both of which are pre-sorted by reference count. Clicking on a classname takes you to the reference summary for that class. Using the ArrayList example from the previous section, it's a matter of six clicks to follow the chain from [Ljava.lang.Object; to com.example.ItemDetails.

You can get to the reference summary page from the class details page. But I find it easier to construct the link directly: take the class link from the histogram page (eg: http://localhost:7000/class/0xa5408348) and replace “class” by “refsByType” (eg: http://localhost:7000/refsByType/0xa5408228).

Heap dump analysis: allocation sites

Most of the time, knowing what objects are consuming memory is sufficient to figure out why they're being leaked. You can use jhat to find all references to those objects, and chances are good that you'll see the code that's holding objects too long. But sometimes that's not enough.

For example, if your code is leaking Strings, it may take you days to walk through all the string manipulation code. To solve problems like this, you need a heap dump that actually shows the places where memory is allocated. Be aware, however, that this type of profiling adds extreme overhead to your application, because the profiling agent must record every invocation of the new operator.

Most interactive profiles can produce this level of data, but I find the easiest way is to start the JVM with the built-in hprof agent:

java -Xrunhprof:heap=sites,depth=2 com.kdgregory.example.memory.Gobbler

hprof has a lot of options: not only can it profile memory usage in a variety of ways, it will also track CPU consumption. You'll find a link to a Sun technical article describing those options below. For this run, I specified a post-mortem dump of allocated objects along with the locations they were allocated, with a resolution of two stack frames. The output is written to the file java.hprof.txt, and the heap dump portion looks like this:

SITES BEGIN (ordered by live bytes) Tue Sep 29 10:43:34 2009
          percent          live          alloc'ed  stack class
 rank   self  accum     bytes objs     bytes  objs trace name
    1 99.77% 99.77%  66497808 2059  66497808  2059 300157 byte[]
    2  0.01% 99.78%      9192    1     27512    13 300158 java.lang.Object[]
    3  0.01% 99.80%      8520    1      8520     1 300085 byte[]

This particular program doesn't allocate a lot of different object types, or allocate them in many different places. A normal dump is hundreds or thousands of lines long, showing each site where a particular object type was allocated. Fortunately, most problems appear in the first few lines of a dump. In this case, the thing that jumps out is the 64 Mb of live byte arrays, particularly since they average about 32k apiece.

Most programs don't need to hold onto that much data, so this is an indication that the program is not properly extracting and summarizing the data that it processes. You'll often see this happening with programs that read large strings and then hold onto substrings: a little-known implementation detail of String.substring() is that it shares a character array with the original string. If you read a file line-by-line, yet only use the first five characters of each line, you'll still hold the entire file in memory.

This dump also shows that the count of allocations for these arrays is equal to the count of live objects. This is a classic leak, and we can find the actual code by searching for the “trace” number:

TRACE 300157:

Well, that was simple enough: when I go to that line in my code, I see that I'm storing the arrays in an ArrayList that never goes out of scope. Sometimes, however, the stack trace has no connection to code that you wrote:

TRACE 300085:

In this case, you need to increase the depth of the stack trace and rerun your application. There's a tradeoff here: as you capture more stack frames you increase the overhead of profiling. The default, if you don't specify a depth value, is 4. I find that most problems in my code can be discovered with a depth of 2, although I have run with depths as high as 12 (on a machine that had a half gigabyte of physical memory; it was thrashing, and the profiling run took close to an hour, but I found the problem).

One other benefit of increasing the stack depth is that the report will be more granular: you might discover that you're leaking objects from two or three places, all of which use a common method.

Heap dump analysis: locality

Generational garbage collectors work because most objects are discarded shortly after they're allocated. You can use the same principle to find memory leaks: using a debugger, set a breakpoint at the allocation site and then walk through the code. In almost all cases, you'll see it added to a long-lived collection shortly after allocation.

The Permanent Generation

In addition to the young and tenured generations of the application heap, the JVM also manages an area called the “permanent generation,” where it stores objects such as classes and string literals. Normally, you don't see the garbage collector work on the permanent generation; most of the action happens in the application heap. But despite its name, objects in the permgen aren't always there permanently. Classes loaded by an app-server classloader, for example, are cleaned up once there are no longer any references to the classloader. And in an application server doing hot deploys, this may happen very frequently … except when it doesn't:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Note the message: it's not referring to the application heap. You can run out of permgen space even when there's plenty of space in the application heap. Usually, it happens when you're redeploying an EAR or WAR, and simply indicates that the permgen isn't large enough to hold both the old classes and the new (the old classes are retained until all requests that used them have completed). This happens a lot in development, and simply means that you need to add more permgen space.

In fact, your first step on seeing this message anywhere should be to increase your permgen space. The default (as of JDK 1.6) is 64 Mb, but an app-server or IDE usually requires 256 Mb or more. To increase the space, use the -XX:MaxPermSize command-line argument:

java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

Sometimes, however, it's not so simple. Leaks in the permgen happen for the same reason as leaks in the application heap: somewhere there's an object that's holding a reference that it shouldn't. In my experience, these tend to be references to actual Class objects, or objects in the java.lang.reflect package, rather than instances of a class. And because of the way that app-server classloaders are structured, the usual culprit is found in the server configuration.

For example, if you're using Tomcat, you have a directory for shared JARs: shared/lib. If you're running several web-apps on the same server, it makes sense to put some JARs in that directory, because their classes will be loaded only once, and you'll reduce the overall memory footprint of the server. However, what happens if one of those libraries has an object cache?

The answer is that, until the cache releases its reference to an application object, that application's classes won't get unloaded. The soluton in this case is to move the library into the WAR or EAR. But sometimes it's not so simple: the JDKs bean introspector caches BeanInfo instances and is loaded by the boot classloader. Any library using introspection will also cache those instances, and you may not know where the real responsibility falls.

Solving permgen problems is painful. The way to start is to track class loading and unloading with the -XX:+TraceClassLoading and -XX:+TraceClassUnloading command line options, Look for the classes that are loaded but not unloaded. If you add the -XX:+TraceClassResolution flag, you can see where one class accesses another, which may help you to find who is holding onto classes that aren't unloaded.

Here's a excerpt of output with all three options. The first line shows MyClassLoader being loaded from the classpath. Then, since it extends URLClassLoader, we see a “RESOLVE” message, followed in turn by another resolve message as UrlClassLoader references Class.

[Loaded com.kdgregory.example.memory.PermgenExhaustion$MyClassLoader from file:/home/kgregory/Workspace/Website/programming/examples/bin/]
RESOLVE com.kdgregory.example.memory.PermgenExhaustion$MyClassLoader java.net.URLClassLoader
RESOLVE java.net.URLClassLoader java.lang.Class URLClassLoader.java:188

The information is all there, but it's usually faster just to move shared libraries into the WAR/EAR until the problem goes away.

OutOfMemoryError When There's Still Heap Memory Available

As you saw with the permgen message, OutOfMemoryError gets thrown for reasons other than the application heap getting full. Here are a few cases:

Contiguous allocation

When I was describing the generational heap, I said that objects would be allocated in the young generation, and eventually moved into the tenured generation. This isn't quite true: if your object is large enough, it will be created directly in the tenured generation. User-defined objects won't (shouldn't!) have anywhere near the number of members needed to trigger this behavior, but arrays will: with JDK 1.5, arrays larger than a half megabyte go directly into the tenured generation.

A half megabyte translates into an Object[] containing 131,072 elements on a 32-bit JVM. Big, but within the realm of possibility for an enterprise scale application. Particularly one that uses a HashMap or ArrayList that needs to resize itself. And some applications work directly with much larger arrays.

The problem happens when there isn't a contiguous block of memory to hold the array. This is rare, but there are several conditions that can cause it. One of the more common is when you're near the limits of your heap: you may have plenty of space available in the young generation, but not enough in the tenured generation.

Another case can occur with the concurrent mark-sweep (CMS) collector, which is the default for “server-class” machines. This collector doesn't compact the heap after collecting garbage, so may not have a “hole” that's big enough for a particular allocation. Again, this is rare: I can conceive of a way to fragment the CMS heap, but would not expect this to ever happen in a real server.


The JavaDoc for OutOfMemoryError indicates that it is thrown when the garbage collector is unable to make memory available. This is only half true: the JVM also throws OutOfMemoryError when its internal code receives an ENOMEM error from the operating system. As Unix programmers know, there are a lot of places where you get ENOMEM, one of which is thread creation:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

On my 32-bit Linux box, running JDK 1.5, I can start 5,550 threads before getting this error. But there's still plenty of memory in the application heap (see this example). So what's happening?

Behind the scenes, threads are managed by the operating system, not the JVM, and thread creation can fail for any number of reasons. In my case, each thread takes about a half megabyte of virtual memory for its stack, and after 5,000 threads the 2G process memory space is used up (more on this below). Some operating systems might also impose a hard limit on the number of threads that can be created for a single process.

Again, there really isn't a solution to this problem other than changing your program. Most programs have no reason to create that many threads; they'll be spending all of their time waiting for the operating system to schedule them. But some server applications could reasonably create thousands of threads to service requests, knowing that most will be waiting for data; in this case, the solution might be NIO channels and selectors.

Direct ByteBuffers

Java has allowed applications to access memory outside of the heap (in a limited way) since JDK 1.4, using bytebuffers. And while the ByteBuffer object itself is very small, the off-heap memory that it controlls may not be.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory

There are several reasons for bytebuffer allocations to fail, which I've described in the linked article. Usually, however, it's because you've either exceeded the virtual memory space (only relevant on a 32-bit JVM) or placed a claim on all of physical memory and swap. But unless you're simply dealing with data that's too large for your machine, you run out of memory with direct buffers for the same reason that you run out of heap memory: you're holding a reference that you don't think you are. The heap analysis techniques described above can help you to find that leak.

Commit charge exceeds physical memory

As I noted earlier, the JVM is unique in that you specify the minimum and maximum size of its heap on startup. This means that the JVM will change its demand for virtual memory while it's running. On a memory-constrained machine, you might be able to start multiple JVMs, even though their combined maximum heaps exceed available physical memory and swap. The result will be an OutOfMemoryError even though the total size of your live objects is less than the specified heap size.

This situation is no different from running multiple C++ programs that use all available memory. The JVM simply tricked you into thinking you could get away with it. The only solution is to buy more memory or run fewer programs. There's no way to make the JVM “fail fast” in this situation; at least on Linux, you can make a claim (via the -Xms and -Xmx parameters) on far more memory than can be supported.

Looking Outside the Heap

That last situation brings up an important point: the Java heap is only part of the story. The JVM also uses memory for threads, its internal code and work space, shared libraries, direct buffers, and memory-mapped files. On a 32-bit JVM, these all have to fit into a 2GB virtual address space, which is a scarce resource (at least in server and back-end applications). On a 64-bit JVM, the virtual address space is effectively unlimited; physical memory is the scarce resource.

There aren't a lot of things that go wrong with virtual memory; the OS and JVM are pretty smart about managing it. Usually, the only reason that you'd look at a virtual memory map is to identify large chunks of memory used by direct buffers and memory-mapped files. But it's useful to know what the virtual memory map looks like, if only for personal education.

To dump the virtual memory map on Linux, you use pmap; for Windows, use VMMap (there may be other tools; I don't do much development on Windows). The following is an excerpt of the pmap output for a Tomcat server. The actual dump file is hundreds of lines long; this excerpt just shows the interesting bits.

08048000     60K r-x--  /usr/local/java/jdk-1.5/bin/java
08057000      8K rwx--  /usr/local/java/jdk-1.5/bin/java
081e5000   6268K rwx--    [ anon ]
889b0000    896K rwx--    [ anon ]
88a90000   4096K rwx--    [ anon ]
88e90000  10056K rwx--    [ anon ]
89862000  50488K rwx--    [ anon ]
8c9b0000   9216K rwx--    [ anon ]
8d2b0000  56320K rwx--    [ anon ]
afd70000    504K rwx--    [ anon ]
afdee000     12K -----    [ anon ]
afdf1000    504K rwx--    [ anon ]
afe6f000     12K -----    [ anon ]
afe72000    504K rwx--    [ anon ]
b0cba000     24K r-xs-  /usr/local/java/netbeans-5.5/enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/server/lib/catalina-ant-jmx.jar
b0cc0000     64K r-xs-  /usr/local/java/netbeans-5.5/enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/server/lib/catalina-storeconfig.jar
b0cd0000    632K r-xs-  /usr/local/java/netbeans-5.5/enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/server/lib/catalina.jar
b0d6e000    164K r-xs-  /usr/local/java/netbeans-5.5/enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/server/lib/tomcat-ajp.jar
b0d97000     88K r-xs-  /usr/local/java/netbeans-5.5/enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/server/lib/tomcat-http.jar
b6ee3000   3520K r-x--  /usr/local/java/jdk-1.5/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so
b7253000    120K rwx--  /usr/local/java/jdk-1.5/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so
b7271000   4192K rwx--    [ anon ]
b7689000   1356K r-x--  /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc-2.11.1.so

The dump output gives you four pieces of information for each segment in the memory map: its virtual address, its size, its permissions, and its source (for segments that are loaded from a file). Of these, the most interesting in terms of resource management are the permissions flags, which indicate whether the segment is read-only (“r-”) or read-write (“rw”).

I'll start with the read-write segments. Most of these have the name “[anon]”, which is what Linux gives to everything that isn't associated with a file. There are also a few named read-write segments here, associated with shared libraries; I believe that these hold the static data areas for those libraries, along with per-process relocation tables.

Since most of the writable segments have the same name, it can take a bit of detective work to figure out what you're looking at. The Java heap will be four relatively large chunks that are allocated together (two for the young generation, one for the tenured generation, and one for the permgen); their total and relative sizes will depend on the GC and heap configuration. Each Java thread requires its own stack and scratch space; these are allocated in pairs, and you'll see the same pairs repeated through the map (in this map, the pairs are 504k/12k). Everything else corresponds to direct buffers (which may belong to your code, the JDK, or a third-party library) and runtime scratch spaces (which can belong to the JVM or third-party libraries).

The main issue with read-write segments is that they add to the process' “commit charge”: the amount of physical memory and/or swap that is required for the process to run. The total commit charge for all of the programs running on a machine cannot exceed the physical RAM and swap of that machine. Modern operating systems deal with this gracefully: they return an ENOMEM when the program tries to allocate (older systems preferred to crash). This results in an OutOfMemoryError for your program, a situation that I described in the previous section.

Read-only memory segments can be shared between processes, and give the operating system flexibility when managing physical memory: it can simply drop read-only pages, knowing that the can be reloaded from the source as needed. They're used for standard system libraries (eg, libc), the application code (libjvm), and memory-mapped files — including JARs from the classpath.

Memory-mapped JARs are an optimization: the JAR directory is at the end of the file, and contains offsets to the individual entries, so you can quickly access the entry with a “bulk get” operation. For classpath JARs this is a big win: you don't have to scan a JarInputStream (or use a caching scheme) every time you need to load a class. But there's a cost: memory-mapped files decrease the space available for the application heap and thread stacks.

With typical library JARs this isn't an issue, becasue they tend to be small (the JDK's rt.jar is large at 1.6 MB). Files that contain large resources (eg images) are another matter, although the JVM seems to be smart about only mapping portions of the file. But the your program can explicitly map any JAR or ZIP. As always, with great power comes great responsibility; give thought to why you want to memory-map the file. On a 32-bit JVM it's almost always better to unzip the JAR's contents into a scratch directory.

Closing Comments

This section contains bits and pieces that didn't quite fit anywhere else. Most are tips from my personal experience in debugging memory problems.

Don't be misled by virtual memory statistics

There's a common complaint that Java is a “memory hog,” often evidenced by pointing at the “VIRT” column of top or the “Mem Usage” column on Windows Task Manager. As the last section should have made clear, there's a lot that goes into this number, and some of it is shared with other programs (the C library, for example). There is also a lot of “empty” space in the virtual memory map: if you invoke the JVM with -Xms1000m, the virtual size will start out over a gigabyte before you even start allocating objects.

A much better measurement is the resident set size: the number of pages of physical memory that are actually used by your program, excluding shared pages. This is the “RES” column in top (I don't think it was available in Task Manger prior to Windows 7). However, resident set isn't a very good measure of your program's actual memory usage either. The operating system will leave physical pages in a process' memory space until it needs them elsewhere, and unless your system is heavily loaded that may take a long time.

Bottom line: always diagnose Java memory problems using tools that provide the detail needed to solve those problems. And don't jump to conclusions until you see an actual OutOfMemoryError.

OutOfMemoryError is often thrown close to the source

Earlier I mentioned “locality”: that memory leaks usually happen soon after the memory is allocated. A similar observation is that the OutOfMemoryError is often thrown close to the leak, and the stack trace (if it's available) can be a first step in diagnosis. The rationale behind this observation is that, to be noticeable, a leak must involve a lot of memory. Which means that, either due to the frequency that allocation code is called, or the volume of memory allocated on each pass, the leaky code will get a higher volume of failures. Not an ironclad rule, but it works well enough that I pay attention to the stack traces.

Always suspect caches

I've mentioned caches several times in this article, and with good reason: most of the memory leaks that I've seen, in over a dozen years working with Java, are found in a class with “Cache” in its name. And I wrote a few of them. The trouble is that caches aren't easy to get right.

That said, there are a lot of good reasons to use a cache, and a few good reasons to write your own (although in most cases, an off-the-shelf cache like EHCache is a better choice). If you do choose to use a cache, make sure that you have answers to the following questions:

Pay attention to object lifetime

Objects generally fall into two classes: those that live as long as the program is running, and those that live only long enough to service a single request. Keeping the two separate and knowing which is which is the key to easy debugging: you only need to look at the objects you know are long-lived.

One way to do this is to explicitly initialize all of your long-lived objects when the program starts, whether or not they're needed right away. Another, better, approach is to use a dependency injection framework like Spring. Not only does it mean that all long-lived objects will be found in the bean configuration (never use classpath scanning!), it's easy to find all of the places where those beans are used.

Look out for instance variables misused as method parameters

In almost all cases, the objects allocated within a method should be discarded by the end of that method (excluding return values, of course). As long as you use local variables to hold all these objects, this rule is easy to follow. However, it's tempting to use instance variables to hold method data, particularly for methods that call a lot of other methods, and thereby avoiding the need for large parameter lists.

Doing this won't necessarily create a leak. Subsequent method calls should re-assign the variables, allowing the objects to be collected. But it raises your memory requirements unnecessarily (sometimes enormously) and makes debugging more difficult (because you have unexpected objects in memory). And from a general design perspective, when I've seen code like this it has always indicated that the method really wants to be its own class.

J2EE: don't abuse the session

The session object exists to hold user-specific data between web requests; it's a way around the stateless nature of HTTP. Far too often it ends up as a makeshift cache. For example, an eCommerce programmer might store a Product object in the session, rationalizing that the user will be browsing several pages for the same product.

This won't turn into a true leak, because the servlet container will eventually time-out the user's session. But it needlessly increases the memory footprint of the application, which is just as bad (it doesn't matter what causes the OutOfMemoryError, the application is just as dead). And it's hard to debug: as I noted above with mixed-content caches, there's no clear indication of where the objects are being held.

Beware excessive garbage collection

While OutOfMemoryError is bad, a constantly running garbage collector is far worse: it takes CPU cycles that should be going to your application. Tuning the garbage collector is an art, and one that I haven't spent a lot of time doing. So I've included some references at the end of this article.

64-bit processors and cheap RAM won't make your problems go away

This article was originally written when 32-bit processors were mainstream, and so contains a lot of caveats about how pieces of the JVM have to share a 2 Gb virtual address space. Most of those caveats will soon be obsolete: when you can go to an office supply store and spend $500 (in early 2011) for a PC with 6 gig of RAM and effectively unlimited virtual address space, there doesn't seem to be a lot gained by fussing over every last byte.

But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't pay attention to your memory footprint. Large heaps and lots of live objects can turn into a “GC timebomb,” in which the garbage collector spends an inordinate amount of time doing its job. Even with a concurrent GC, your application may be blocked waiting for memory to be freed so that it can allocate more.

Sometimes you just need more memory

As I said back at the beginning, the JVM is the only modern programming environment that I know of that forces you to set a maximum size for your data. Because of this, there are times when you think you have a leak but in fact you just have to increase the heap size. The first step in resolving a memory problem should always be increasing the available memory. If you have an actual leak, you'll get an OutOfMemoryError no matter how much memory you provide.

For More Information

Oracle's runing whitepapers describe how the Sun JVM manages its heap, and how you can adjust the behavior of the garbage collector. This information changes over time; here are the versions for Java 6 and Java 8 (despite searching, I could not find a Java 7 version).

This document lists the Sun-only JVM configuration options. There are a number of useful diagnostic options that I haven't covered here.

This Sun technote describes the built-in “hprof” profiling tool.

The chapter on memory management from O'Reilly's System Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition gives a nice overview of how Unix manages process memory (this book is 10 years old, but the concepts haven't changed much in the last 30+ years, so it's still relevant).

My article on Java reference objects will help you manage memory so that you can avoid running out.

I've created several example programs that consume resources:

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